Thursday, October 15, 2009

Utah vs Colorado State Football Game

This past weekend, I went to a football game, but it was more of a personal trip then a business trip. I used to live in Denver, CO and my family and I started a tradition of going to one CSU game a year. We like going around the first part of October, so its not to hot and not to cold. We always tailgate and hang out all day at the stadium. Well this year was a little bit different…

If you live in the midwest, you know Friday night into Saturday morning was a cold and snowy morning. Very early in the fall to be that nasty out! We started our morning around 6am and got on the interstate heading for Fort Collins, CO. The interstate was snow packed and very slick. We were about 5 miles out from Grand Island and saw cars in the ditch with headlights on and we even saw a car spin out on the other side of the interstate and slide right into the ditch.

We got off the interstate in Grand Island and I looked at map and saw that if we go south, there was a highway that lead from Hastings, NE to Fort Collins, CO. I told my dad, and he said he would be fine and we could stay on the interstate. But I told him, the southern route didn’t look as snowy on the radar. He decided to try the southern route. After a couple of hours driving, the road improved from snow packed to just wet and eventually dry as we hit Colorado.

It was cool driving the souther route through Nebraska. There was so many towns along the way you drive through that you have never even heard of. After 11hrs driving, we made it to Fort Collins and parked as kick off happened. The temps were in the 20’s and it was cold. It was a good thing we took the southern route. We found out they closed the interstate in Wyoming and Western Nebraska so we would have never made it the game.

The game turned out to be fantastic. CSU had a two touchdown lead, but Utah fought back in the second half and won 24-17.

I really enjoy the tradition with my family every year for the CSU game. Hopefully next year we can get back to tailgating and have a little bit better weather!

Below are some photos from the trip I took with my cell phone!

Me in 5 layers of clothing

The slush frozen on our vehicle

Cool looking ice on the wheel

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